
photography is for everyone

empower yourself as parents with the tools you need to document your family through photography

Many parents purchase or receive DSLRs as gifts, to capture the memories of their children, only to realize that their understanding of the camera is not exactly where they thought it was. The thought of going of “auto” may be daunting.

The Click and Compose classes are geared specifically toward parents who are ready to capture their children beautifully, effectively, and intentionally. With over 500 participants and counting (over the past 4 years), parents everywhere have found Emily’s classes valuable in discovering a wealth of knowledge covering basic and advanced photographic concepts, real-life tips and tricks, and more.

click! – level 1

What You Will Learn

  • How to use your camera!
  • Shooting in full manual mode
  • Knowing what settings you need in what light
  • How to use shutter speed and aperture
  • Introducing white balance
  • How to focus
  • Camera settings
  • What in the world all your buttons mean


  • DSLR Camera
  • Patience
  • Your camera manual (if you can find it)

click! – level 2

What You Will Learn

  • Tackle white balance
  • How to get more than 1 person in focus
  • How to get fun blurry backgrounds
  • Get non forced smiles
  • Shooting into the light
  • Creating silhouettes
  • Get a moving child in focus
  • Using reflectors
  • Metering
  • and much more!


  • Completion of Click Class
  • DSLR Camera
  • Patience
  • Your camera manual (if you can find it)

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