
Emily Lucarz blog

time to settle in


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Oh Stella. We all knew you would be beautiful after your mom’s to die for maternity session. Some people are just meant to make babies. If you missed Stella’s pre birth in belly session (haha) you must check it out HERE.  Stellas mom loves photography. When she called me to book a maternity session, she […]

Stella | St. Louis newborn photography



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To  make this easy: 1. SIGN UP FOR A FREE MONTH OF IRIS 2. You are now ENTRED TO WIN YOUR PICK OF A PHOTOSHOP ACTION SET (2 winners) 3.  You are ALSO entered to win a YEAR LONG membership to IRIS! (2 winners!)     About 6 months ago, I started to use IRIS works […]

Simplify your life – And win some actions +Yr long Iris membership



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Featured In...

When I got the email from Beyond the Wanderlust, that I was chosen out of thousands as the best in the business, I was totally floored.  There are so many photographers, thousands that were considered for this honor, so I really was shocked.  I started this crazy photography business back in 2010 after my first […]

Best of the business winner | St. Louis photographer



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Photography Workshops

How lucky am I that I get to call this my job. I wanted to share with you a session I did a bit ago in Utah. Pretty much what ended up to be a mountains and maternity session. I was in Utah photographing a fellow photographers family as well as teaching a lifestyle workshop […]

Mountains and Maternity | Saint Louis family photographer



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I just love photographing other photographers. Heather Mohr from Heather Mohr Photography  is another St. Louis children photographer (if you are on the other side of the river, she is AMAZING, FYI 🙂 ),  contacted me a few months ago, wanting some photos of her little guy, Quentin. She is a great newborn photographer!! Heather has 3 children. Well, […]

Quentin | St. Louis children photographer



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Guess who just had her baby! We get to do her newborn photography session next week in the studio, then a week after she is also doing a lifestyle newborn session in her home. I get to hug her a lot 🙂 And oh my stars this was SUCH an amazing shoot. Not only is […]

Raven | St. Louis newborn photography



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In the midst of the craziness and chaos, there really are some amazing moments.  Everyday, instead of seeing the crazy as being crazy, I like to think in my head, or write down for this purpose, things that bring me joy. This helps me to see the world differently. While I was editing this shoot, […]

Seeing Joy | St. Louis family photographer



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Wow! It feels so nice to be back on my blog. Everyone in St. Louis has been so amazing you have all been keeping me SO busy doing what I love so much, family photography! I promise I will get back on here and be better about highlighting all of my photography sessions here in […]

Darling little one | St. Louis baby photographer



while serving as a reminder of what you love

Your Photos should tell the story of who you are