
Emily Lucarz blog

time to settle in

Lifestyle session in the city – Workshop



Well, it’s about time I post some of my lifestyle workshops from LAST YEAR! Ha!  My goodness I have so much to share but, you know…. life. 🙂

If you are a new client, a photographer, well anyone… you may not or may be aware that teaching photography workshops to advanced photographers is my thing. I love it.  I count down the days until these workshops happen each year. Picking the cities is always so fun.   We like to bring my kids along when we can, so they can explore and I can hang with all of my photographer crew.

These lifestyle workshops are WAY different than standard workshops.  We do more life INSPIRED workshops. Not sure what that means? Well.,.. you will find out while you are there haha!

We not only take life moments Inside, but starting in 2017, we now take life OUTside as well.

2018 Workshops have been announced! Click HERE to grab your seat.

This session was in Chicago, of COURSE. My husband’s family is from there, I lived there for 11 years and I will ALWAYS have a workshop there yearly. It’s one of my favorite places on earth.

Here are a few shots taken of the fabulous Jenny Grimm during our last workshop. She actually took my workshop YEARS ago and is now an incredible photographer herself right there in the Windy City! Love her and her family to pieces.  Scoop her up if you are local!


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We are in the deep part of summer right now, which means many maternity sessions are held IN the studio! St. Louis summers can be VERY hot for very pregnant soon to be moms. However, to be fair, I LOVE simple maternity sessions.  A casual maternity photoshoot is simple to plan, stress free and all […]

Casual maternity photoshoot

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Senior Photoshoot – Spring in full sun and sunset (Claire)

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