
Emily Lucarz blog

time to settle in

Global Newborn Photography Award



I was so honored to learn that I placed 3rd in a global photography competition. There are many small competitions out there, too many to enter. I try to only take part in ones that have professional photographers participating in as well as established judges.  For this particular competition they  open it to both professional and non, to give the non professional photographers a chance to enter some work as well, which I think is so fun.  Not everyone is able to do this for a living.

When I got the word I received 3rd as as as an honorable mention in the professional newborn photography category I was beyond thrilled!  To compete against photographers around the world is so fun, because I learn about new photographers to follow. Seeing how others around the world view the same type of subjects is fascinating.

Global Newborn Photography Award

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  1. Nikki says:

    Congratulations!! Love this image!


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